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Cement-based concretes are suitable materials for use in a construction of radiation shield against dangerous for human health form of ionizing radiation. Concrete is not only economical, but it also has the advantage of being a material that can be cast in any desired shape. Concrete is now frequently used for shielding of...
Hodowcy muszą samodzielnie szukać zwierząt do rozrodu. Ten proces jest niezwykle ważny z punktu widzenia hodowcy, niestety może być długi i żmudny. Właściwy wybór samca lub samicy zwiększa różnorodność puli genetycznej, minimalizując ryzyko choroby, co z kolei przyczynia się do tworzenia lepszych zwierząt rozrodczych. W Polsce brakuje platform zrzeszających...
Rationale:We want to provide generic drug and food suplements that are not present in Poland. As Health/InsurTech marketplace we create and provide remote health management services. We offer Digital Healthcare Plan/Online Medical Care Packages and individual e-consultations with specialists.Wherever you are, we care about your health The future of telemedicine in...
AstraZeneca offers numerous opportunities of collaboration and support to science. Open Innovation platform and Experience and Expertise Exchange mentoring program are examples of such an approach. At AstraZeneca we are committed to driving scientific advances through collaborations to push the boundaries of medical science in order to deliver novel...