Science meets Regions – dołącz do programu!


Joint Research Centre (Wspólne Centrum Badawcze) zaprasza do udziału w programie Science meets Regions, mającego na celu wzmocnienie powiązań między naukowcami, a lokalnymi społecznościami politycznymi w regionach i miastach Unii Europejskiej.

Trwa nabór do projektu. Przeczytaj więcej w oryginalnej wersji językowej poniżej ⤵️

As part of the Science meets Regions  project, the Joint Research Centre has launched a call for expression of interest for the establishment of local and regional pairing schemes bringing together scientists and policymakers. We are reaching out to public authorities, but also to research institutions and universities, that may wish to contribute to strengthening the science-policy interface by setting up a pairing scheme according to locally relevant and useful modalities.

Who can apply?

  1. Policymaking institutions at local or regional level and their associations or networks;
  2. Research Performing organisations and their associations or networks;
  3. Non-profit organisations working to promote evidence-informed policymaking.

Budget of up to 15.000 EUR per scheme, via a very low value procurement procedure. The organising entity is allowed to bring in additional funds should it be needed.

Type of actions:

  1. Visiting programme to a research performing organisation;
  2. Visiting programme to policymaking institutions;
  3. Reciprocal visiting programme to research performing organisations and policymaking institutions.

Deadline: 23/09/2022

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