„The State & Future of Pandemics” by Singularity University.


Poniższa lista zawiera zbiór 30 wywiadów z ekspertami, przeprowadzonych przez Singularity University w trakcie trzydniowego seminarium, które odbyło się w dniach 16-18 marca 2020.

  1. Opening Remarks – Adam Hofmann
  2. Everything you need to know about COVID-19, tracking epidemics, and vaccine development strategies – Dr. Divya Chander
  3. Perspectives from Responding to Other Outbreaks including SARS, Monkeypox, and Influenza – Dr. David Bray
  4. State of the Global Response to COVID-19 – Dr. Daniel Kraft
  5. A practical guide to staying healthy during COVID-19 – Nell Watson
  6. Slowing contagion – Amory B. Lovins
  7. Curing Diseases & DNA – Raymond McCauley
  8. Pandemics and resilient cities – Dr. Robert Muggah
  9. Leadership in the Time of COVID-19 – Elie Losleben
  10. Bold Choices and Rapid Innovation – Julia Cheek
  11. Day 2 Opening Remarks – Adam Hofmann
  12. How crowdsourcing and mobile devices helped to monitor epidemics during the 2014 World Cup and Olympics 2016 – Onicio Leal Neto
  13. Digital Identity in Times of Epidemic – Dr. Mariana Dahan
  14. Food for Earth: unleash the regenerative power of food during and beyond the CoronaV-ERA – Sara Roversi
  15. Emerging Digital technologies for Epidemic management: obstacles, opportunities and outcomes – Dr. Sonny Kohli
  16. How can you use data to monitor your lifestyle (from food to exercise) to boost your body’s resilience against diseases? – Sabine Seymour
  17. Why Authoritarianism is Bad for Public Health – Alex Gladstein
  18. The Future of Safe Living in Self-Reliant Neighborhoods – James Ehrlich
  19. The Future of the Past: The Coronavirus Pandemic and the New Normal – Jamie Metzl
  20. How AI can be leveraged for the increasing threats of future pandemics – Bradley Twynham
  21. Polarizing the positive and negative of pandemics and putting it into action – Lisa Andrews
  22. Day 3 Opening Remarks – Adam Hofmann
  23. Using Virtual Worlds in a Time Of Travel Disruption – Aaron Frank
  24. Five Ways Your Leadership Must Change To Thrive With Remote Work – Charlene Li
  25. Remote & Distributed Work During Crises – Gary A. Bolles
  26. V2 Crisis Mode Education: How to Make the Most of Learning in a Global Pandemic – Jos Dirkx
  27. Opportunities for more automation and remote delivery of goods and services – Peter Xing
  28. Crisis Mode Education: How to Make the Most of Learning in a Global Pandemic – Jos Dirkx
  29. Updates from the field: How governments and organizations are responding – Dr. Eric Rasmussen
  30. Strengthening your company’s resilience against existential threats – Chipp Norcross & Paul D. Roberts
  31. Fake news and media’s role in global emergencies – James Del
  32. How you can take action during times of uncertainty – Christina Gerakiteys
  33. Complexity: How leaders can navigate unpredictable situations – Catherine Brown & Chipp Norcross
  34. Closing Thoughts – Dr. Tiffany Vora
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