Intelliseq collaboration opportunities in the field of genome informatics


Introduction – the problem:
Genomic databases and genetic testing have the potential to reshape healthcare towards precision medicine through personalized diagnostics and interventions. Emerging digital health technologies facilitate this process by providing opportunities for engaging with consumers, data sharing, and combining phenotypic data with genetic information. 
At Intelliseq, we deliver genome informatics tools to a broad community of scientists, laboratory diagnosticians, and doctors who increasingly rely on genomics in their research. Our aim is to accelerate genome-based diagnosis by simplifying DNA analysis. We are looking for cooperation with laboratories, CRO, and pharma companies in the field of outsourcing, subcontracting, and service agreements as well as joint R&D projects.

The offer – the solution:
The presentation will address opportunities for collaboration with Intelliseq in different areas related to genome informatics and digital health. Intelliseq SaaS platform enables its users to generate automatic and complete reports with clinical insights from raw DNA data. By offering the latest IT solutions for whole exome/whole genome sequencing data analysis, we can support R&D projects conducted in the field of precision medicine. Another opportunity to cooperate arises from the need for genomic analysis tools dedicated to translational solutions for clinical centers and the biotechnological sector. Intelliseq was established by scientists, currently, the team consists of an interdisciplinary group of experts in bioinformatics and software development. Therefore, topics raised during the presentation include also the possibility of sharing computational genomics expertise in the process of educating scientific staff as a part of Ph.D. programs and workshops.

Klaudia Szklarczyk-Smolana

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