Biznes i nauka razem.

Innowacje dla zdrowia i jakości życia.

Introduction - the problem:Almost every organisation based on paper as an information carrier. We print contracts, invoices, projects, surveys, research results, tests. Every single document that has value for us is physically printed on a piece of paper. Usually it is done, since many people think that the document...
Rationale:We provide a new and more effective way of neurological rehabilitation. Skull-brain injuries, strokes and diseases demand hard-to-reach rehabilitation. Our unique solution guarantees the availability of rehabilitation and greater effectiveness than other existing systems.There are huge disparities across European countries, ranging from 2,500 patients to 46,000 patients per neurologist....
In recent years, the use of hydrogel materials in medicine, pharmacy and tissue engineering has become increasingly popular. This is due to the unique properties of these materials. In addition to sorption capacity, hydrogel materials are characterized by such features as biocompatibility, biodegradability, thermal and chemical resistance, flexibility and...
We discuss the potential of producing biocompatible composites with iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles by means of 3D printing technology. In recent years great interest in the development of composite materials for use in bio and nanomedicine can be observed. New materials opened doors for innovative therapeutic, diagnostic, testing and...