Industrial bio-based materials for a waste-free, sustainable future


Introduction – the problem:
Clean energy transition toward renewable energy resources is one of the key aspect in achieving Sustainable Development Goals. Huge amount of by products that are created within fossil-fuels processing is an emerging environmental issue but also a niche to develop novel, mesoporous materials out of such wastes. 
Bio-based polymers such as chitosan or alginate acid salts may serve as templating agents for the development of the new types of bio-mineral materials with an enormous potential of industrial application in water and gases purification from emerging pollutants and contaminants.

The offer – the solution:
Presented concept fully complies with a circular economy, as by-products of coal combustion may serve as substrates for the synthesis of novel molecular sieves and prevent their landfilling hence closing their life-cycle.

Mesoporous materials as coal-combustion by products derivatives are easy to chemically synthesize and relatively cheap. What is more their implementation for sorption processes would be advantageous since such materials can selectively purify water. An addition of biological polymers can enhance their sorption properties and improve industrial applicability.

Maciej Sobczyk
AGH University of Science and Technology

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