The region’s innovative potential – BioMałopolska


Introduction – the problem:
1 region, 7 specialisations. Małopolska has focused on smart development and is imple-menting it in a consistent way. As a result, Małopolska has become one of the most inno-vative regions in the country.

The region has focused on smart growth. We have defined several areas through entrepreneurial discovery process that determine Małopolska growth directions. We called these areas Małopolska smart specialisation.

7 Smart Specialisations: Life Science; Sustainable Energy; Information and Communication Technologies; Chemistry; Production of Metals, Metal Products and Non-metallic Mineral Products; Electrical Engineering and Machinery Industry; Creative and Leisure Industries

Life science is one of the most dynamically developing industry in the world. This is no different in Małopolska. Life Science is an interdisciplinary specialisation combining medical, biological and biochemical sciences.

The offer – the solution:
Within a specialisation, we accumulate funds for re-search and innovation. A half of the funds from the Regional Operational Programme for the Małopol-ska Region 2014-2020 have been allocated for the support of the smart specialisations.

Agnieszka Bachórz
Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Małopolskiego

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