Są jeszcze ostatnie wolne miejsca na warsztaty EIT Health RIS Innovation Training!
Klaster LifeScience Kraków zaprasza instytucje z sektora opieki zdrowotnej do udziału w warsztatach z zakresu wsparcia innowacji, organizowanych przez EIT Health RIS. To szansa na zdobycie nowych kompetencji z zakresu realizacji i finansowania innowacyjnych projektów oraz na poznanie nowych możliwości współpracy.
EIT Health RIS Innovation Training odbędzie się już w dniach 12 oraz 19 września br. Można jeszcze dołączyć!
Więcej informacji przeczytaj w oryginalnej wersji językowej poniżej ⤵️
Do you have an entrepreneurial mindset with an idea in the healthcare field? Would you like to know more about healthcare innovation, MVP, IP, Medical devices, and other EU regulations?
Benefits of RIS Innovation Training
- Support applicants in realising the next steps toward the market and shorten time-to-market for innovative products and services
- Navigate the complex playground of healthcare solutions and better understand the types of innovations
- Verify the need/benefit of the product/service for users/customers/payers/partners
- Increase the possibility of attracting investment and/or funding by presenting a well-defined value proposition
Eligible applicants and projects
The opportunity is open for project partnerships, micro and small enterprises, research and educational institutions, spin-offs, and start-ups that already have an innovation/product/solution but are in an early stage of development. The training is best suited for project owners in the CIMIT IML 3 (Proof of Concept) phase.
Content of the training
The training package includes the following:
Two days of online interactive training focusing on enabling each participant to acquire new competencies and know-how related to:
- Innovation Pathway: from idea to market in the healthcare sector – MVP tools
- Project Management – basics concepts and financials fundamentals
- IP – basic concepts of IP rights and protection strategies
- Regulatory Affairs – Medical Device Regulation and other relevant EU legislation
Training sessions
- Monday 12th September
10:00-12:00 (CET) and 13:30-15:30 (CET),- Innovation Pathway and MVP tools
- Project Management
- Monday 19th September
10:00-12:00 (CET) and 13:30-15:30 (CET)- IP Fundamentals and Strategies
- Medical Device Regulation and other relevant EU legislation
Register as a team/company; please note that there is a limited amount of seats, you will be wait-listed for the second training if the available timeslots have reached total capacity.
Priority will be given to candidates who applied to EIT Health RIS Innovation Call 2022 and scored a minimum of 80 points but have not received funding.
Application Deadline: 8th September 2022, 16:00 (CET) ->> recruitment continues
Szczegółowe informacje dotyczące spotkania dostępne są na stronie www.eithealth.eu/opportunity/ris-innovation-training/