Startups Meet Pharma & Healthcare Providers to nowe programy realizowane przez Innovation in Health, organizowane w ramach projektu EIT Health, które skierowane są do startupów z sektora MedTech. Celem programów jest znalezienie innowacyjnych rozwiązań, będących odpowiedzią na wyzwania płynące z sektora opieki zdrowotnej. Głównym obszarem jest pomoc osobom przewlekle chorym.
Więcej informacji przeczytaj w oryginalnej wersji językowej poniżej ⤵️
Start-ups Meet Pharma connects life science corporations with a specific challenge and start-ups that might have a relevant solution. Establishing key connections is difficult, time-consuming and might feel like swimming in an open sea. Start-ups Meet Pharma filters out the noise: meet the right team at the right time. No equity. No IP involvement. No bureaucracy. No long theory-based training. Instead: individual partnership exploration meetings for each solution.
Apply to this year’s challenges, be introduced to the right person inside and start talking. Find out more about all open innovation opportunities by browsing the open calls and apply!
The Start-ups Meet Healthcare Providers programme is transforming healthcare quality, efficiency, and delivery by helping start-ups bring their innovative technology products closer to the patients.
Designed as a 4-month hybrid programme, Start-ups Meet Healthcare Providers connects promising healthcare start-ups with innovative healthcare providers in pursuit of a more effective and affordable health system.
If you want to break into the pharma/MedTech industry or validate your solution in a hospital setting, apply to the open innovation challenges presented by Innovation in Health.
If your solution tackles one or more of the challenges by GSK, Abbott, Takeda, Siemens Healthineers, Beurer, Aidian, Qiagen and 4 hospitals associated with the University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Grigore T. Popa”, these challenge-based programs will give you the opportunity to collaborate directly with internal decision-makers and open the path for partnership exploration. Applications are open until 16 April 2023, the challenges to apply are presented online.
Further information is available on Innovation in Health’s website, LinkedIn and Twitter profiles.
If you are interested to learn more, join some of the upcoming webinars:

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