Już teraz możesz przesłać swoje zgłoszenie do programu HelloAi i otrzymać szansę na wzięcie udziału w ekskluzywnym spotkaniu z ekspertami od sztucznej inteligencji podczas HelloAI Virtual Cocktail Hour! Wszystkich tych, którzy już teraz chcą poznać więcej szczegółów na temat szkolenia, organizatorzy zapraszają na wydarzenie HelloAI Professional Live Session w dn. 6-7 października br.
Więcej informacji przeczytaj w oryginalnej wersji językowej poniżej ⤵️

HelloAI Virtual Cocktail Hour!
A facultative event – Virtual Cocktail Hour – with Prof. Mathias Goyen and Jan Beger will be organized for the interested on the afternoon of the November 9th, 5pm – 7pm (CET).
The event will be a roundtable discussion with the Participants about a relevant Healthcare AI topic, processing and debating a recent scientific paper together
Being an active contributor to the discussion is essential during this live session, therefore we are seeking the most active members of the HelloAI Community. Should you be one of them, please fill the survey.
The Virtual Cocktail Hour can accommodate 30 participants, who will be selected by a lucky ticket draw.
Make sure to join the HelloAI LinkedIn community to take part on https://www.linkedin.com/company/helloaipro/
HelloAI Professional Live Session – October 6, 4PM – 7 PM – Don’t miss the opportunity!

SAVE THE DATE for much anticipated HelloAI Professional’s LIVE session event! (see meeting request attached, program below)
- You will hear from 4 start-ups sharing their unique and different AI implementation journey – from designing a project together with the medical professionals and providers to steps of implementation as well as planned outcomes and where the road actually led them!
- You can also meet 4 other experts who will share with you relevant insights on how digital health communities can support the uptake of AI technologies, and actual platform solution enabling access for healthcare providers.
- And if you are puzzled with questions – you will get the chance to ask them directly from speakers via slido.com with code #helloaipro.
- Link will be sent out shortly.
*recordings will be available only for the participants of the HelloAI Professional, Professional RIS and Alumni courses.
Rejestracja na wydarzenie HelloAI Virtual Cocktail Hour! dostępna jest pod adresem www.supportcentral.ge.com/esurvey/. Informacje na temat programu HelloAI dostępne są na stronie www.hvl.thinkific.com/courses/helloai-advanced-ris