Uzyskaj stypendium na rozwój kompetencji z zakresu AI


Trwa ostatnia tura rekrutacji do udziały w programie HelloAI. Jeszcze do końca października, studenci mogą złożyć wniosek o przyjęcie do programu stypendialnego i dołączyć do grona 2000 profesjonalistów działających w obszarze sztucznej inteligencji. Celem programu HelloAI RIS, jest promocja szerokiego zastosowania AI w sektorze opieki zdrowotnej.

Zgłoszenia do 31 października włącznie.

Więcej informacji przeczytaj w oryginalnej wersji językowej poniżej ⤵️

As you may already know, the continued development of AI in medicine offers a unique chance to improve patient care and alter the established workflow in a healthcare environment.

Although AI continues to demonstrate increased autonomy and the capacity to complete tasks accurately without human intervention, there may be some concerns about the potential consequences of integrating AI into clinical practice and healthcare systems.

The potential is endless, and AI’s innovative contributions and data volume are advancing quickly. Therefore, the rate of learning and the calibre of the information consumed regarding AI in healthcare are crucial. In order to close this knowledge gap and educate as many medical professionals and students as possible in the rapidly expanding field of artificial intelligence, GE Healthcare, EIT Health, KTH, LEITAT and other academia partners have created the HelloAI programme.

HelloAI courses are the great-value courses in AI in Healthcare that provide professionals and students with a thorough understanding of AI that can advance your knowledge and later careers, confirmed by our ~2000-member Alumni network.

We are excited to share with you that full scholarship seats are yet available for the residents of many European Countries (RIS residents) to our most comprehensive healthcare AI courses.

HelloAI RIS Scholarship courses: – ONLY ACCESSABLE UNTIL THE END OF THE 20222.

  • HelloAI Advanced RIS – for students & researchers (7.5 ECTS credits) – 199 EURà with RIS scholarship, 0 EUR 
  • HelloAI Professional RIS – for medical professionals, Senior Experts and Executives – 399 EUR à with RIS Scholarship – 10 EUR administration fee

Please make sure to enroll latest before October 31st  to be able to finish the course timely! Check out scholarship opportunities and join one of HelloAI courses for free!

  • Scholarship: full scholarships are available to all RIS residents – eg. Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Hungary, Poland, Estonia, Turkey, Slovakia, Croatia, Ukraine, and many other countries.
  • Learning mode: self-paced studies, quizzes, live sessions, credits and certificate upon completion
  • Official webpage:
  • Speakers:
  • Conditions of the scholarship: Commit to complete min. 75% of the course by 15th December, 2022 and be a citizen of a RIS country. Read more

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