Dołącz do EIT Health Bootcamps i rozwiń swój potencjał!


Chcesz rozwijać potencjał swojego startupu ale brakuje Ci wiedzy, doświadczenia, kontaktów? Zdobądź je! Weź udział w jednym z czterech bootcampów organizowanych przez EIT Health i postaw zdecydowany krok na ścieżce do rozwoju i innowacji! Szczegóły poznasz podczas bezpłatnych webinariów, które odbędą się 15 lutego i 15 marca.

Więcej informacji przeczytaj w oryginalnej wersji językowej poniżej ⤵️

Backed by the European Union, EIT Health Bootcamps are the first step towards healthy growth for many start-ups. As a participant, you will gain the tools to validate and incubate your business idea and ultimately prepare for launch across Europe. Do you have a business idea that could shake up the European health landscape?

The EIT Health Bootcamps in 2023 are:

  • Patient Innovation Bootcamp: This Bootcamp supports the development and launch of innovative solutions created by people directly affected by health conditions, such as patients and informal caregivers. The Patient Innovation Bootcamp consists of two-weeks of mentoring and training on-site.
  • MedTech Bootcamp: This Bootcamp provides focused support and matchmaking for European early-phase start-up teams with ideas in the field of medical technology. A five-week training programme for European start-up teams to build skills during the early stages of launching their start-ups.
  • Women Entrepreneurship Bootcamp: This Bootcamp connects high growth, women-led or co-led start-ups to an unparalleled network of investors and mentors – helping nurture and support rapid growth. A seven-week programme – providing intensive training, mentoring and networking opportunities. During this time, you’ll participate in two pitch events and enjoy significant one-to-one face time with investors.
  • Regulatory Pathway to Market Access Bootcamp: This 10-week blended programme helps you understand the highly regulated pathway within the European healthcare system. Mentors will help you to identify potential pathways to reimbursement for your digital health or medical device solution.

The bootcamps target European teams of MSc, MDs and PhD students and/or Postdocs, patients, informal caregivers and collaborators as well as professionals who have a business idea for a product still in the research and development stage.

Learn more during Bootcamps Informational Webinar on 15 February and 15 March. Register here.

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