Inicjatywa Awangarda – 3DP Pilot – zgłoś swój pomysł!


Rozpoczął się nabór pomysłów do projektu 3DP Pilot organizowanego w ramach działań Inicjatywy Awangarda. 3DPilot to międzyregionalna platforma na rzecz generowania i ułatwiania realizacji ambitnych projektów demonstracyjnych w obszarze druku 3D.

Zainteresowani składaniem nowych pomysłów do tegorocznej edycji projektu są proszeni o wypełnienie formularza zgłoszenia:


Kluczowym celem projektu 3DP Pilot jest przyspieszenie wprowadzania na rynek aplikacji 3D poprzez rozwój wiodących w branży, transregionalnych platform demonstracyjnych.

Więcej na temat 3DP Pilot można przeczytać w załączonej broszurze informacyjnej:

Poniżej zamieszczamy szczegółowe informacje na temat:

  1. zakresu projektu;
  2. procesu opracowywania nowych propozycji projektów;
  3. aktualnej listy projektów demonstracyjnych, które są w trakcie rozwoju i 5 przykładów pomysłów z roku 2019.

Zapraszamy do udziału! Zgłoś swój pomysł!

1. Scope of targeted projects

The key 'eligibility’ criteria for the '3DP Pilot Platform for Pitching and Implementing new cross regional projects’ are the followings:

  • AM-focused Demonstration project (i.e. the project deals withadditive manufacturing-related applications and is focusing mainly on TRLs6-8)
  • Industry-relevant and industry-driven project (i.e. the project aimsat addressing industry needs and the potential interest of private actorscan be demonstrated)
  • Cross-regional project (i.e. cross-regional cooperation isinstrumental for the project being implemented: the cross-regionalcollaboration can take the form of combining expertise/equipment/services,co-investing in new assets, etc.)

2. Process for newly proposed project ideas

Once an idea is submitted, the following steps will be taken:

  • ’Project owner’ will be invited to pitch their idea during the nextplenary meeting (02.04.2020)
  • Projects ideas will then be circulated to the network so that otherregions and organisations can indicate their interest in co-developing theproject.
  • Project-dedicated actions (incl. action plan, identification offunding solutions, etc.) can then be launched with the support of Mikael andJean-François (in cc.), if the industrial and cross regional interests areconfirmed (see below for more detailed information about the expectedoutcomes of the action).
  • Detailed 'assessments’ of the projects and their potentials will beconducted throughout the process and fully realized by January 2021. Thisprocess will ultimately lead to:

The emergence of new demo cases, if the following criteria are being met for the new demo case:

  • The possibility to generate (through the possible new 'demo case’)at least 10 distinct (i.e. with different companies)product/application-specific 'business’ projects (unlike 'demo cases’ these’business cases’, while still involving demonstration activities, arefocusing on a single very specific application or product and are led by oneor several companies);
  • The interest of at least 20% of regions participating in the Pilot;
  • Demonstrated relevant linkages with technology roadmaps (AM Motion,EFFRA, etc.).

The integration of new projects into existing demo
cases, when relevant linkages can be made;
The launch and implementation of specific industry-driven crossregional demonstration projects enabled by the 3DP Pilot and outside thescope of existing demo cases (e.g. if the scope of the proposed area is toospecific too generate various product/application specific cases).

Possible linkages with existing demo cases will be assessed continuously.
For projects that will not be integrated into existing demo cases and for which the aforementioned criteria are met, this might lead (among others) to the formal launch of new demo case(s) in the Pilot.

3. The current list of demo cases that are under active development and the 5 new project ideas that were proposed in 2019

The following 'demo cases’ (technological-sectoral areas for joint-demonstration) are under active development.

  1. Multi-materials components by hybrid 3D Printing manufacturing
  2. Additive-subtractive high precision & high finish production(high-end metals)
  3. Machinery and Tooling – Structural Parts with Complex Shapes
  4. 3D-Printed large parts and complex shapes (mono-material) throughemerging 3DP technologies
  5. Healthcare – 3D-Printed customized components for orthosis,exoskeleton and exoprosthesis

The thematic areas of the 5 emerging projects ideas are described below.

  1. Multi-material 3D printing: Structural integrated electronics in 3Dprinted parts
  2. AM in the Built Environment
  3. Efficient collaborative robot through 3D printing optimization
  4. Innovative hybrid (subtractive /additive) manufacturing approach forrepairing added value damaged objects
  5. Provide a toolset for maintenance for 3DP and a training course foremployees to do the maintenance

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