Biznes i nauka razem.

Innowacje dla zdrowia i jakości życia.

Introduction - the problem:Almost every organisation based on paper as an information carrier. We print contracts, invoices, projects, surveys, research results, tests. Every single document that has value for us is physically printed on a piece of paper. Usually it is done, since many people think that the document...
W chwili obecnej nie ma wydajnych metod otrzymywania czystej melaniny w ilościach przemysłowych. Melanina jest izolowana z biopsji skóry lub włosów, w bardzo niewielkich ilościach i często w zdegradowanej formie. Opracowany przez nas protokół hodowli komórkowej i różnicowania in vitro jest bardzo wydajnym systemem, który pozwala na uzyskanie dużych ilości melaniny w...
In recent decades more and more theories about the co-existence of human-machine interface have come out and taken shape. As we move forward, we see emerging areas of potential collaboration between humans and robots. Robotics is the future and it depends on us how far it will travel. Healthcare has seen increasing penetration...
Our venture called is a unique solution for people suffering from Epilepsy, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. During our lifes we have met a lot of problems that not only directly affects people suffering from these diesases, but also their families, doctors and clinics that are helping them. The important thing for us...