Challenges of the investment process


The investment process is a sequence of events that guides the company from the moment of making a decision about the need to attract investors to the moment when funds from the investment appear on the company’s account. At every stage, people, their needs, ideas and emotions are present. Development of an effective investment memorandum. Meetings with investors. Term sheet. Negotiations of the investment agreement. Due diligence and payment trancheing depending on the achievement of milestones. During a short (10-minute) presentation, we will present the key points of the investment process on which its success depends.

Details of the offer:
We support Startups / Companies in the investment process. From the evaluation of the company, through the adaptation (organizational changes) of the company to the investment process, development of an investment memorandum (goals, benefits for the investor), searching for investors, negotiating business terms, supervision over the legal process (representation of the company before lawyers), to signing a contract.

Konrad Szczypczyk
HABITAT sp. z o.o.

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