Scientific research as a tool increasing the competitiveness of producers


Our main task is to present the Medical University of Lodz as a unit supporting business activities. We are looking for partners interested in cooperation in the field of research, development of innovation or support for the development of ideas.

We live in a time when innovation and new products attack us from every point. Many manufacturers depart from quality by investing in advertising their products. However, the awareness of clients is growing every year. As a research unit, we are able to help you distinguish yourself from competitive solutions and, most importantly, show your clients in the form of an independent study that your solution works and is effective. The Medical University of Lodz is not only about teaching and training new scientists. These are powerful research resources in the field of almost all widely understood medicine.

Details of the offer:
We use 3 main models of cooperation with business:
– Service – carrying out research for the client’s needs
– Cooperation – Joint promotion of the product, giving the finished solution the logo of the Medical University of Lodz, reviewing the solution by scientists
– Innovations – We support Startups as part of acceleration programs and we enter into national projects with enterprises to develop a new product

Łukasz Miernik
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi

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