Composites with magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications produced by material extrusion technology

Zastosowanie nanomateriałów

We discuss the potential of producing biocompatible composites with iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles by means of 3D printing technology. In recent years great interest in the development of composite materials for use in bio and nanomedicine can be observed. New materials opened doors for innovative therapeutic, diagnostic, testing and surgery preparation methods. Her we present a short overview of literature research of such materials made by, commonly called 3D printing, along
with the results of own prototyping tests. Essential parameters, such as the magnetic response of nanopowders and composites, homogenization procedure, mixture ratio, polymer cross-linking and long term stability are described. SLA, DLP, BJ, robocasting are the most promising technologies for use with this kind nanoparticles in order to avoid alteration of their properties by high temperature. These technics differ with respect to the complexity and accuracy of resulting parts but allow for printing with bio-compatible polymers. Our work is a part of emerging technologies of production of new materials for medicine and biotechnology. Due to the possibility to make individual, complex, very detailed shapes (in connection with 3D Scanning, tomography and other technics to obtain shapes of tissues and organs), 3D printing offers unique possibilities, which are not available in classical technologies.

I would be happy to make cooperation regarding researches in the field of 3D printing, foundry engineering and nanocomposites with magnetic properties.


Adrianna Kania

Poprzedni artykuł„Patent na dobry początek” – weź udział w seminarium
Następny artykułDroga Wynalazku w CITTRU