An experimental investigation on effects of specials cements on the radiation shielding properties of concretes


Cement-based concretes are suitable materials for use in a construction of radiation shield against dangerous for human health form of ionizing radiation. Concrete is not only economical, but it also has the advantage of being a material that can be cast in any desired shape. Concrete is now frequently used for shielding of atomic research facilities and nuclear power plants. Portland cements are concerned as the representative binder of commonly used binder for shielding concretes together with other coarse aggregates. Nevertheless, in recent years some alternative binder systems including barium silicate cement, strontium silicate cement, high-alumina cement, gypsum aluminate cement, high magnesia Portland cement, boron containing cement, boron and iron containing phosphate cement, barium aluminate cement and strontium aluminate cement are proposed for this special application.
This paper presents and experimental study on the performance of shielding refractory concretes after molding, hardening and drying, and next subjected to high temperature. Three concretes with corundum aggregate and state-of-the-art Fe-containing, Ba-containing or Sr-containing aluminous cements were tested. All prepared concrete specimens are exposed to gamma radiation with 152Eu, 22Na, 133Ba, 137Cs, and 60Co sources and the linear and mass attenuation coefficients were determined. Some characteristics of the hydration process of non-traditional aluminous binders i.e. Fe-doped CaO-Al2O3, Sr-doped CaO-Al2O3-ZrO2, Ba-doped CaO-Al2O3-ZrO2 and SrO-Al2O3 were also discussed.

This project was financed by the National Science Centre, Poland, project number 2017/26/D/ST8/00012 (Recipient: DM).


Dominika Madej

Poprzedni artykuł„Patent na dobry początek” – weź udział w seminarium
Następny artykułDroga Wynalazku w CITTRU