International Research Foundation Sano seeking to appoint a Director for the Centre


The Sano Centre for Computational Medicine is a new International Research Foundation located in Kraków, Poland. Sano is now seeking to appoint a Director for the Centre.

With substantial support from the Polish Foundation for Science and the European Commission, Sano aims to become a major driving force for European advancement in the rapidly growing field of computational medicine, developing sophisticated engineering methods for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, to meet the overarching worldwide need for efficient, effective and radically streamlined healthcare systems. Sano now invites an experienced and visionary Scientific Leader with a background in Computational Medicine to take on the opportunity of leading this unique Centre of Excellence.

Sano[1], a major new translational scientific institute, will combine expertise in bioengineering, large-scale high-performance computing and machine-learning-based decision science with fundamental biomarker identification using advanced simulation and data analysis methods. As a core technology and expertise provider for industry, it will foster modernisation, innovation and increased productivity.

Operationally, Sano strategically combines the most prestigious scientific grant currently available from the national Polish Foundation for Science (FNP) – the International Research Agenda Programme (IRAP) – with one of the most competitive grants in the EU’s H2020 programme, Teaming for Excellence. Combined with additional Polish Ministry of Science guarantees, the Centre has secured investment exceeding €30M. With this scale of funding, and aided by an excellent European partnership network, we can be confident that Sano will bring a critical mass to this transformational field of research, in order to translate scientific advancement into clinical practice.

To be successful, Sano requires an ambitious, professional, passionate and experienced Director to lead the Centre and determine its research directions. This role will have significant impact on the successful implementation of Sano’s programmes of innovative research in applied computational medicine. The Director must therefore bring professional experience reflecting a broad scientific background in computational medicine, and possess an excellent track-record in research, particularly in the in silico domain.

[1] Latin: I heal

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