EIT Jumpstarter 2023 to kolejna edycja programu przygotowanego z myślą o startupach i innowatorach chcących mieć realny wpływ na rozwój w krajach Europy Środkowej, Wschodniej i Południowej. W tegorocznej edycji organizatorzy w szczególności skupiają się na aspektach związanych z odbudową Ukrainy, a co za tym idzie – dostarczenie innowacyjnych rozwiązań i techonologii w sektorze life science. Startupy biorące udział w programie mogą liczyć na szeroki zakres wsparcia w procesie budowania sieci kontaktów oraz wdrożeniu produktów i usług na międzynarodowy rynek.
Więcej informacji przeczytaj w oryginalnej wersji językowej poniżej ⤵️
One of Europe’s best programmes for early-stage innovators is back in 2023 with two new categories: Rebuild Ukraine and Digital! Apply now and join EIT Jumpstarter and access the largest innovation network of EIT Communities. You will compete for the whopping first prize of up to €10,000 in nine categories.
Do you have an innovative idea and want to jumpstart your business?
With the contribution of best-in-class experts, a creative community, and unique know-how, we aim to support idea-holders to turn their ideas into business. We help innovators and entrepreneurs build a viable business model around their innovative product or service idea and validate it. If their business idea is sustainable, we encourage them to register their company.
The strategic aim of this program is to create a sustainable impact in the Central-Eastern and Southern-European Regions by boosting innovation and entrepreneurship within this part of Europe. The program’s concept originates from the real needs of the innovation ecosystem of these regions. Countries face similar challenges; they have enormous innovation potential with bright scientific minds, but the research results will likely remain within the labs. At the same time, a significant number of needs have been unmet from the corporate side. To overcome these challenges by connecting innovative solutions with the industry’s articulated demands and increasing our regions’ competitiveness, seven EIT Communities teamed up to jointly run EIT Jumpstarter: EIT Health, EIT Digital, EIT RawMaterials, EIT Food, EIT InnoEnergy, EIT Manufacturing and EIT Urban Mobility organize the competition. The six Knowledge and Innovation Communities of EIT, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. They bring together businesses, research centres and universities as partners creating a favourable environment for creative thought and innovation to flourish. EIT is a valuable, credible partner to get your business idea up and running.
Graduates of the program possess the skills and knowledge to launch their companies. As part of the alumni community, they receive further support and dedicated advisory from the EIT Communities regarding the next stage of their start-up journey. We introduce teams to partners, VCs, regulatory bodies and companies that can produce their products, their first buyer or a test site. They meet major innovation hubs in Europe, which is important when they want to enter foreign markets.
The program has trained more than start-up teams since 2017, and interest in our competition is growing. In 2019 EIT Jumpstarter won the Best Association Training Initiative Award of the European Association Awards.
Why it is unique?
EIT Jumpstarter is a very selective, competitive program; participating in it opens doors towards the European markets and connects the best teams with the seven EIT Communities’ large industrial partners.
- Website: https://eitjumpstarter.eu/eit-jumpstarter-is-back-for-2023/
- Apply under the link: https://apply.eitjumpstarter.eu/
- Deadline for applications: 16th April, 2023
- Direct contact: https://eitjumpstarter.eu/#employee-contact-list-section
Szczegółowe informacje o programie dostępne są na stronie www.eitjumpstarter.eu oraz w plikach: EIT Jumpstarter SlideDeck Presentation | Jumpstarer Info | Jumpstarter Brochure | Jumpstarter Rebuild Ukraine