Become part of the ScanBalt Bioeconomy – lets implement great ideas


Introduction – the problem:
Whereas ScanBalt is already well known for its high emphasis on cross-sectoral and transnational projects for Innovation in Health and in Life Sciences, the growing field of bioeconomy has yet an enormous potential to grow. Regarding the huge efforts recently made by nearly all Baltic Sea states to set up national bioeconomy strategies, ScanBalt Bioeconomy Working Group aims to help to transfer political goals to practical action. The working group will provide a platform for the exchange of experience and knowledge, build up project partnerships and match research and entrepreneurship to develop new bioeconomic products in a cross-border approach. Last but not least, the working group intends to influence and shape the political strategies, the regulatory framework and the funding programs at BSR and European level. 

The offer – the solution:
The working group is planning to cooperate closely with networks and initiatives in the field of bioeconomy as well as strategic partners such as the BSR Bioeconomy Council and the Steering Group Members of Policy Area Bioeconomy. It became obvious that legal and regulatory frameworks related to bioeconomy in the Baltic Sea Area will play a crucial role in implementing scientific ideas into products and services. Interestingly, there is often a different view on this topic between entrepreneurs and political/administrative stakeholders. While the start-ups and SMEs perceive strong obstacles, the responsible authorities perceive the regulatory framework to be appropriate to the needs. In this respect, the working group will also focus on bringing together the different actors and views in order to achieve results that are goal-oriented for all sides.
The 1st meeting will take place on December 3rd with focus „circular Economy”. This will be a good occasion for all interested stakeholders become part of and help shaping the working group at an early stage of development.

Gudrun Mernitz
WITENO GmbH / ScanBalt

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