9 maja 2024 roku odbędzie się pierwsze w tym roku spotkanie organizowane przez LifeScience Krakow EIT Health Hub, w ramach cyklu EIT Health Morning Health Talks. Tegoroczny tytuł brzmi: “Innovative hospital – Medical Data: Security, Privacy and Access”.
Spotkania Morning Health Talks mają na celu podnoszenie świadomości na temat problemów zdrowotnych, które są ważne na całym świecie, ale należy je rozwiązać przy udziale lokalnych interesariuszy. Takie ukierunkowanie i idące za tym działania, ustanawiają i wzmacniają relacje między lokalnymi, regionalnymi i krajowymi interesariuszami innowacji. Do udziału w spotkaniu zapraszamy managerów wysokiego i średniego szczebla, którzy mają realny wpływ na ekosystem innowacji.
Wydarzenie odbywa się w formie hybrydowej w języku angielskim. Szczegółowe informacje poniżej.
Morning Health Talks is a highly positioned event series in 13 EIT RIS countries, part of the EIT Health RIS Programme.
The mission is to develop local healthcare innovation ecosystems through productive stakeholder discussions. Such a dialogue should strengthen relationships and encourage collaborations and definite activities toward more mature ecosystems.
In talks focused on the Innovative Hospital, we try to harness the complexity of the future healthcare system. This future presents its own challenges, many of which are extensions of current concerns but amplified by emerging trends and advancements. E.g. technological disruption improves quality or accessibility but also impacts data privacy and security or creates ethical dilemmas.
Our ultimate objective is to build consensus around the immediate and long-term needs and develop the joined action plan, which would help coordinate and integrate efforts aimed at developing a modern healthcare system at the regional level. Similar efforts are present in many countries and regions; thus, the dialogue, exchange of perspectives, and practices would eventually trigger international collaboration around the topic.
From previous talks, we know that:
- The COVID-19 pandemic permanently changed global health care, from accelerating the adoption of new technology and care delivery models to increasing the focus on sustainability and resiliency.
- The future of health care needs to be organized around the NEEDS of the consumer rather than for the convenience of care providers.
- Hospitals can extend their function from being a service provider to an innovative community builder.
In the next two talks in 2024, we will further explore the issue of innovativeness in healthcare services.
Especially interesting is the perspective of Open Innovation merged with the promise of rapid advancements in medical technology, including AI, robotics, telemedicine, and precision medicine – to list a few that may disrupt traditional healthcare delivery models. While it requires significant investments in infrastructure, training, and regulation, it heavily depends on data access.
You are welcome to join the MHT event on the 9th of May, 10:15 – 12:15!
The discussion on 9th of May will involve answers to the following questions:
- What barriers hinder the participative development of healthcare technologies in hospitals?
- What needs to change to support open innovation in healthcare?
- Why do we need patients to be engaged and empowered, and what does it mean in practice?

Temat: EIT Health Morning Health Talks: Innovative hospital – Medical Data: Security, Privacy and Access (meeting in English)
Data: Czwartek, 9 maja, 10:15 -12:15
Miejsce: LIVE: Zabłocie Space – Klaster Innowacji Społeczno-Gospodarczych Zabłocie 20.22, Kraków, Zabłocie 20 & ONLINE
Rejestracja: Poprzez formularz online
More information about Morning Health Talks: WEBSITE / PDF FILE
Partnerem spotkania jest Miasto Kraków.