Composing applications in the Model Execution Environment


Przed nami kolejne wydarzenie z cyklu seminariów dotyczących medycyny obliczeniowej, organizowanych w ramach projektu Sano. Najbliższe spotkanie poprowadzą Piotr Nowakowski oraz Marek Kasztelnik – członkowie Sano Centre for Computational Medicine oraz ACC Cyfronet.

Subject: Composing applications in the Model Execution Environment

Authors: Piotr Nowakowski and Marek Kasztelnik
Sano Centre for Computational Medicine and ACC Cyfronet AGH, Krakow, Poland;


The goal of our presentation is to familiarize attendees with the Model Execution Environment – a tool developed by the Cyfronet DiCE team and currently being deployed at Sano – which provides a comprehensive way to carry out, manage and reproduce scientific studies which process anonymized medical data (especially patient cohorts) with the use of high performance computing infrastructures and data storage resources made available to Sano researchers. MEE enables its users to define computational pipelines consisting of an arbitrary number of steps, to execute them in the context of selected patient cases, to visualize their output and to compare results representing individual cases in order to spot key differences. The environment provides convenient graphical user interfaces for domain scientists and also implements a set of RESTful APIs facilitating integration with other computational platforms and tools. All data and computations are protected by a uniform security infrastructure which is fully integrated with the PL-Grid authentication and user management mechanisms. In addition, MEE also enables compartmentalization of research activities by providing support for distinct organizations, each with its own set of computational and storage resources.

Seminarium odbędzie się online 26.10.2020 za pośrednictwem platformy ZOOM, w godzinach 14:00 – 15.30

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