Przed nami kolejne wydarzenie z cyklu seminariów dotyczących medycyny obliczeniowej, organizowanych w ramach projektu Sano. Najbliższe spotkanie poprowadzi Vivek Sheraton Muniraj, specjalizujący się w badaniach złożoności związanych z interakcją pomiedzy układem odpornościowym, a innymi układami biologicznymi w organizmie człowieka.
Subject: Exploring Complex Interactions in Bacterial Biofilms and Colonies – An In-Silico Approach
Author: Vivek Sheraton Muniraj
Institute for Advanced Study, University of Amsterdam, Center for Experimental and Molecular Medicine, Amsterdam University Medical Center, https://pure.uva.nl/ws/files/36020905/Thesis.pdf
Biofilms are macroscopic structures emerging from microscopic interactions of bacteria and their environment. These structures harbor antibiotic resistant bacteria and prevent proper elimination of the bacterial population during drug treatments. To design optimal treatment strategies, a proper understanding of the development of biofilm structures is necessary. The mechanisms behind the spontaneous formation of cap and stalk of the biofilm structures are less understood. Multi-scale computational models can lend insight into the intricacies of solute-cell interactions driving such structural formations. It can also enable identification of suitable drug candidates.
This talk will emphasize on the combined use of mesoscale computational models, in-vitro gene knockout experiments and mass transfer kinetics in microbial research. In addition to morphological analysis, the talk will also focus on the influence of different environments on quorum sensing and quorum quenching, which typically occur in natural and engineered environments.
Seminarium odbędzie się online 23.11.2020 za pośrednictwem platformy ZOOM, w godzinach 14:00 – 15.30
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