Niech JEDZENIE będzie waszą MEDYCYNĄ /Hipokrates/
Wszyscy jesteśmy inni, dlatego mamy również różne potrzeby jeżeli chodzi o żywienie. Przyszłość należy do indywidualnego, spersonalizowanego podejścia zarówno w medycynie, jak i w żywieniu, gdyż zwyczaje żywieniowe i wzorce, które nie uwzględniają osobistych potrzeb żywieniowych, podobnie jak leczenie wg jednego schematu okazują się nieskuteczne!
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Pomagasz innym zachować zdrowie poprzez właściwe żywienie lub specjalną dietę? Weź udział w KURSIE dla profesjonalistów, na którym poznasz zasady i metody wykorzystania już dostępnej, zaawansowanej technologii badań genetycznych w celu zwiększenia efektywności Twojej pracy z każdym indywidualnym pacjentem czy klientem.
? Więcej info i link do rejestracji: KRAKÓW
Kurs prowadzony będzie w języku angielskim. Organizatorem kursu jest firma GenetX. WSTĘP WOLNY. Obowiązuje rejestracja.
We are what we eat – but we are all different
We all are different, therefore we have different needs, especially as it relates to the nutrition. Eating habits and patterns which do not take into account the personal nutritional needs, similarly to “one-fit-all” treatment, have proven to be inefficient solutions. The current approach of trial & error can be updated into personalized approach and we know this is the future.
“Let FOOD be your MEDICINE” – Hippocrates
Join the course in the aim to heal humanity using the most common medicine, FOOD!
Based on the scientific data and methods, the course offers unique and valuable insights for nutrition specialist and diet advisors, aimed to increase their capacity as professional service providers.
We invite You to interact with an internationally recognized specialist in nutrigenetics – prof. Mihai Niculescu (MD, PhD). During the engaging event, we aim to expose theoretical parts, sprinkled by case studies, discussion and QA session. You will have the opportunity to participate in the live presentation of NutriCare.Life, a digital platform able to transform the needed quantities of nutrients in food and supplements, to cover nutrition deficiencies.
Find the effect of genetic variation on dietary response!
You will better understand the science behind genetic tests:
- Process and criteria for assessing nutritional requirements – history and present
- Genes and nutrition: myth and reality
- The elements of nutrigenetics – ”actionable items” versus ”non-actionable items”
Discover the consequences upon health and disease of poor nutrition
You will learn about the roles of genetic structure in modulating the metabolic effects of nutrients:
- Genetic evolution, gene-environment (nutrient) interactions (eco genetics)
- How to define and recognize actionable
- The need to establish priorities in nutrition
Be prepared for each stage of your life!
You will learn about specific nutritional needs in each phase of our life has and how to effectively deal with these needs:
- Growth and adolescence
- Pregnancy and lactation
- Adults
- Older people
- In the context of some metabolic disorders
How a nutrigenetic test can help in my practice!
You will learn what information should a nutrigenetic test provide and how to differentiate between useful and “less useful” test:
- Genotyping methods: advantage and limitations
- Criteria for selecting a genotyping method – pitfalls to avoid
- Anonymous examples and discussion of various nutrigenetic tests – arguments pro and against
- Risk versus Diagnostic
“Let FOOD be your MEDICINE” and participate at the event:
➡️ KRAKÓW: FOR SPECIALISTS: 4 days – 4 hours/day course, 27-30.05.2019 (godz. 13.00-17.00)
KRAKÓW: Klaster LifeScience Kraków; Bobrzyńskiego 14, 30-348