Biznes i nauka razem.

Innowacje dla zdrowia i jakości życia.

Enhancing buttermilk with probiotics- a potentially new functional food?

Introduction – the problem:In recent years, the subject of “functional food” has become very popular among consumers. It can be expected that especially in the current pandemic times this interest will continue to grow....

Future corelab – nowe technologie wizualizacji danych medycznych

Introduction - the problem:Interventional cardiology is a rapidly evolving field, fuelled by the technological development in devices and procedures. Advancements in imaging technologies have played a key role in facilitating the planning and monitoring...

The impact of regional research clusters for a European Health Data space

Introduction - the problem:In the innovative centres of science and research, the European Data Space has long been a reality. This is the result of an international conference on the German EU Council Presidency....

switchSENSE® heliX®: Next-Generation Modular Biosensor for Interaction and Conformation Analysis

Introduction - the problem:Dynamic Biosensors is a young biotech company based in Munich, Germany, focused on the development and marketing of our pioneering and award-winning switchSENSE® technology for molecular interaction analysis. We provide solutions...