Rationale: the background
Amid the pandemic, Polish biotech market is currently facing a completely new set of challenges. As the market is growing, the need for Sano is building Europe’s foremost centre for the advancement of computational medicine, developing sophisticated computer methods for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, to meet the overarching worldwide need for efficient, effective and streamlined healthcare. Sano’s critical mass of research excellence across the spectrum of artificial intelligence and data-driven techniques generates the momentum needed to propel new discoveries onward into clinical practice, with profound global impact bringing enhanced patient benefit.
Message: the offer
Sano will combine expertise in machine learning and deep data exploration approaches, with advanced simulation and large-scale high-performance computing. Sano seeks experts in Clinical Data Science, Computer Vision Data Science, Personal Health Data Science, Modelling and Simulation, Health Informatics, and Extreme-scale Data and Computing. Sano is building 6 research teams, starting with group leaders, and subsequently PhD students, postdocs and scientific programmers. All will be working in a international environment in collaboration with leading researchers from Europe and around the World.
Maciej Malawski
Sano Centre for Computational Medicine