The impact of regional research clusters for a European Health Data space


Introduction – the problem:
In the innovative centres of science and research, the European Data Space has long been a reality. This is the result of an international conference on the German EU Council Presidency. The organisation of the European research clusters „ScanBalt” has gathered in a short time more than 30 promising examples of digital solutions for dealing with the COVID 19 crisis from 15 different European regions. The large number of these initiatives is based on the cooperation of public research and utility institutions with private companies. A lesson from the COVID-19 crisis is therefore that regional digital projects now need a framework that combines their flexibility with the necessary legal certainty and makes them usable throughout Europe.

The outcome of the ScanBalt conference is the declaration of the European Research Clusters „Towards a European Common Dataspace in Health in the Time of COVID-19 and beyond”. It describes deficits in the European Data Space and proposes concrete solutions. The declaration brings together countries with innovative digital health systems as well as regions where Corona has greatly accelerated digital care approaches: The declaration was signed by regions from Bulgaria, France, Estonia, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, Great Britain, Austria, Germany and Poland. As the „voice of European civil society” they support the digitisation initiative of the German EU Council Presidency.

The offer – the solution:
The outcome of the ScanBalt conference is the declaration of the European Research Clusters „Towards a European Common Dataspace in Health in the Time of COVID-19 and beyond”. It describes deficits in the European Data Space and proposes concrete solutions. The declaration brings together countries with innovative digital health systems as well as regions where Corona has greatly accelerated digital care approaches: The declaration was signed by regions from Bulgaria, France, Estonia, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, Great Britain, Austria, Germany and Poland. We are now looking for additional supporters of our declaration. As a „voice of European civil society” they can support our initiative to bring forward the creation of a European Health Data Space.

Oliver Stenzel
ScanBalt Cluster at ScanBalt Bio Region

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