A call for the recognition of Industrial Clusters in the European Recovery Initiatives


Introduction – the problem:
The COVID-19 crisis has seriously impacted the European economy. However, despite its severe consequences, the crisis can be turned into an opportunity to accelerate the European transformational leadership and turn into a green, digital, and resilient Europe. 
The European Commission plans to allocate important recovery funds directly to the Member States under the NextGenerationEU instrument. Therefore, Member States are currently drafting their recovery plans to propose investment projects for the upcoming years. 
During the crisis, clusters have shown their capacity to adapt and find quick solutions. They need to be included in these recovery plans.

The offer – the solution:
To strengthen the role of clusters in the European economic recovery, the European Clusters Alliance has organised and issued a common declaration of clusters the be recognised as strategic agents in the recovery initiatives of the Member States. In a common effort, European clusters have phrased their capabilities and capacities and created a statement that helps them in their actions towards their governments. The aim is for clusters to be taken into account in the drafting and implementation of the recovery plans.

Nina Hoppmann
IDiA / European Clusters Alliance

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