Prowadzisz Start-up? Skorzystaj ze wsparcia z programu EIT Health RIS

Źródło: Adobe Stock, autor: stokkete

EIT Health Start-ups Meet Healthcare Providers to program akceleracyjny skierowany do Startup-ów z sektora zdrowia publicznego. Ty też możesz przyczynić się do realizacji kluczowych wyzwań w opiece zdrowotnej.

Trwa nabór do projektu. Przeczytaj więcej w oryginalnej wersji językowej poniżej ⤵️

The EIT Health Start-ups Meet Healthcare Providers is a challenge-based accelerator programme that matches healthcare providers from all over Europe (Public & private hospitals, Municipal health authorities, Health insurances involved in healthcare delivery, Other healthcare providers/payers) with promising European healthcare start-ups to get ready- or custom-made health solutions for their needs. Healthcare providers set pre-defined challenges from their day-to-day work in clinical practice and EIT Health selectively scouts for, pre-vets and trains innovative start-ups from all over Europe to solve their challenges. EIT Health InnoStars aims to support healthcare providers coming from RIS-eligible and selected for taking part in Start-ups meet Healthcare Providers programme, by taking over the participation fee of the applicants enrolled in the programme.

Purpose of the call:

  • To break down financial barriers for healthcare providers in the RIS regions to take part in the EIT Health Start-ups Meet Healthcare providers programme
  • To provide access to solutions from the forefront of technological development in the RIS region
  • To connect RIS Healthcare Providers to innovative start-ups from all over Europe
  • To enable the RIS Healthcare Providers to work hand-in-hand with them as they adjust their product, service or technology to custom needs.

Więcej szczegółów na stronie SMHCP InnoStars call for Healthcare Providers – EIT Health

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