Biznes i nauka razem.

Innowacje dla zdrowia i jakości życia.

We provide a new and more effective way of neurological rehabilitation

Rationale:We provide a new and more effective way of neurological rehabilitation. Skull-brain injuries, strokes and diseases demand hard-to-reach rehabilitation. Our unique solution guarantees the availability of rehabilitation and greater effectiveness than other existing systems.There...

Life Science Open Space – Online Week’20 – podsumowanie

Za nami jubileuszowa, dziesiąta edycja Life Science Open Space - Forum Współpracy dla Zdrowia i Jakości Życia, które to wydarzenie pod wieloma względami było wyjątkowe, bo uwarunkowane pandemią COVID-19. Impreza trwała 5 dni, od...

Safety at work possible during Covid 19 – UV-C lamps as a method of...

Introduction - the problem:Covid 19 changed our life and world, but we have to work work to survive, we have to use the medical help in safe way and it is possible only by...

The Sano Centre – Opportunities for Expert International Collaboration

Introduction - the problem:The emerging field of Computational Medicine encompasses a wide range of technologies at varying levels of maturity with considerable opportunities for commercial exploitation. Translating these technologies to the international marketplace is...