Biznes i nauka razem.

Innowacje dla zdrowia i jakości życia.

Introduction - the problem:Treatment of oncological patients with targeted therapy has been carried out in our country for over 15 years. However, compared to some Western European countries and the USA, access to new drugs is limited and the reimbursement of genetic tests is not optimal. In order to...
Introduction - the problem:Proteome is the construction of all proteins in one piece. The most difficult issue is to put the functional relations together for system of 30 000 proteins. The main goal is to simulate the activity of the living organism answering the question : How it works...
Introduction - the problem:In the innovative centres of science and research, the European Data Space has long been a reality. This is the result of an international conference on the German EU Council Presidency. The organisation of the European research clusters "ScanBalt" has gathered in a short time more...
Introduction - the problem:Genomic databases and genetic testing have the potential to reshape healthcare towards precision medicine through personalized diagnostics and interventions. Emerging digital health technologies facilitate this process by providing opportunities for engaging with consumers, data sharing, and combining phenotypic data with genetic information. At Intelliseq, we deliver genome...