Biznes i nauka razem.

Innowacje dla zdrowia i jakości życia.

New technologies for clinical trials: eCRF secured by blockchain

Introduction - the problem:Nowadays clinical trials are mostly held in paper form. There is no trend of using applications thats supports the CRF in...

Jak fundusz typu Bridge Alfa może wesprzeć mój projekt?

Rationale:Program Bridge Alfa to mechanizm finansowania innowacji łączący środki publiczne Narodowego Centrum Badań i Rozwoju (NCBiR) z kapitałem wnoszonym przez inwestorów prywatnych. Program realizuje...

The region’s innovative potential – BioMałopolska

Introduction – the problem:1 region, 7 specialisations. Małopolska has focused on smart development and is imple-menting it in a consistent way. As a result,...

Paperless as a weapon against COVID-19

Introduction - the problem:Almost every organisation based on paper as an information carrier. We print contracts, invoices, projects, surveys, research results, tests. Every single...