Lifestyle Medicine in Digital Health


Introduction – the problem:
Current medicine too often loses the fight against civilization diseases. Type 2 diabetes, arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, cancer, and depression are individuals diseases that dominate in the offices of Polish doctors. At the same time, cardiovascular diseases and neoplastic causes of death in more than ¾ in the first world countries. Despite the dynamic, the development of pharmacotherapy and invasive treatments still fails to contain the growing number of new one’s illnesses. It is certainly influenced by demographic changes and the rapid ageing of our societies. But the main reason lies in the lifestyle of the „modern” man. Inactivity, bad, unbalanced food, stress, and smoking are all risk factors that constitute a common one denominator for civilization diseases. Therefore, it is very much needed in ours the country’s promotion of knowledge on the prevention and non-pharmacological treatment of non-communicable diseases on reliable facts and working out solutions that may change the incidence rate.

The offer – the solution:
Medical University of Lodz together with the Polish Society of Lifestyle Medicine can offer a wide range of services regarding topics related to a healthy lifestyle. Expertise from a well-known specialist that we provide is aimed to improve the quality of the product. Cooperation with international partners might boost the outcome of production. Marketing potential through our channels will increase sales. But, all of this can be only acquired if the product will fit the strict rules of Evidence-Based Lifestyle Medicine.

Mateusz Dworak
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi

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