Biznes i nauka razem.

Innowacje dla zdrowia i jakości życia.

Challenges of the investment process

Rationale:The investment process is a sequence of events that guides the company from the moment of making a decision about the need to attract...

switchSENSE® heliX®: Next-Generation Modular Biosensor for Interaction and Conformation Analysis

Introduction - the problem:Dynamic Biosensors is a young biotech company based in Munich, Germany, focused on the development and marketing of our pioneering and...

A call for the recognition of Industrial Clusters in the European Recovery Initiatives

Introduction - the problem:The COVID-19 crisis has seriously impacted the European economy. However, despite its severe consequences, the crisis can be turned into an...

Czy „zdrowa żywność” to to samo co „żywność ekologiczna”?

Introduction – the problem:The organic food market is one of the fastest-growing sectors of the food industry. Even during a pandemic, it retained more...