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Introduction - the problem:Nowadays clinical trials are mostly held in paper form. There is no trend of using applications thats supports the CRF in electronic form because they either buggy or do not fulfill all the needs of researchers . Each trail is different and has different needs. We...
Introduction - the problem:There are a number of pressing issues impacting the development of new pharmaceutical products. Many of these issues are exacerbated by the COVID pandemic. Examples of the issues are that only ~3% of citizens ever join a clinical trial, an average of 15% of people leave...
Introduction - the problem:Without the constant development and provision of novel tools and instruments that are needed for doing experimental life science research, the immense progress in basic research and the global advancement of biomedical innovation would not be possible. It has been the continuous development of methods, techniques,...
Introduction - the problem:A multitude of instruments, scientific applications, print data – all different formats, different structure, no relations, no context, no meaning. The digital lab offering facilitates opportunities to bring all this data together, to make it FAIR, to visualize in context and to enable powerful decision making....