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Subject: Decoding epigenetics - towards a truly personalized medicine Introduction - the problem:Epigenetics is the study of stable, heritable changes in gene function that do not change the DNA sequence itself. This is achieved by additional modifications that are added to the DNA. So-called epigenetic modifications play an important role as personalizedmarkers...
Introduction - the problem:Without the constant development and provision of novel tools and instruments that are needed for doing experimental life science research, the immense progress in basic research and the global advancement of biomedical innovation would not be possible. It has been the continuous development of methods, techniques,...
Wprowadzenie - problem:ColonoAnalysis to oprogramowanie do wspomagania pracy endoskopistów podczas wykonywania badań kolonoskopowych.Sama aplikacja (rozwiązanie informatyczne) ma trzy podstawowe funkcjonalności:1. Analiza obrazu podczas prowadzenia badania kolonoskopowego mająca na celu zaznaczanie zmian podejrzanych2. Kolonoskopia porównawcza; tzn. umożliwienie endoskopiście w trakcie wykonywania kolonoskopii jednoczesneowe oglądanie obrazu tego samego odcinka jelita grubego...
Introduction - the problem:Dynamic Biosensors is a young biotech company based in Munich, Germany, focused on the development and marketing of our pioneering and award-winning switchSENSE® technology for molecular interaction analysis. We provide solutions to academic and industry partners in the areas of biophysical analysis and drug discovery. Our just-launched...