Let the food be your medicine!

Inżynieria genetyczna

According to The Lancet magazine, People in almost every region of the world could benefit from rebalancing their diets to eat optimal amounts of various foods and nutrients, according to the Global Burden of Disease study tracking trends in consumption of 15 dietary factors from 1990 to 2017 in 195 countries. Globally, one in five deaths is associated with a poor diet due to:

1. Lack of information, nutritionists, clinicians actual solutions proved their limitations.
2. Missing prevention solutions
3. Low access to nutrition consultancy
4. Difficult diets implementation

Gene expression, gut microbiome, eating habits, lifestyle, medical status and goals are personal identifiers that can be used as predictors for building precise nutritional plans.

Our solution is going to empower peoples to participate more fully in their own care and make the lives of clinicians far better. The point that is essential is recognizing that each human being is unique and they have different nutritional needs.

We offer free access to digital health platform for nutrition assessment and using a patent-pending algorithm based on standard/personal nutritional needs and eating pattern, users can determine the exact quantity of food and supplements to cover nutrient deficiencies.

For deep personalization, based on nutrigenetic, microbiome and screening tests user can have a PERSONALIZED PREVENTION or THERAPEUTIC NUTRITIONAL SOLUTION.

Technology is transforming the world and changes are fundamental, bringing new service (NUTRITION ASSESSMENT) and products (NUTRIGENETIC, MICROBIOME and SCREENING TESTS) in the market we are allowing the implementation of personalized approach and lowering medical costs.

  • We are searching for partners (nutritionists, dietitians, clinicians) who want to use scientifically proved method involving genetic testing methods in their practice to improve their services, thus having a personalized approach
  • We are searching for nutrigenomic experts for genetic analysis and interpretation
  • We are searching for users who are interested in providing feedback on digital health platform NutriCare.Life.

Prezenter: Bogdan Radu Ivanov

Business Management, over 25 years of experience in sales and operations, with extensive experience in software application development, organization and projects management.

Poprzedni artykułProgress in the transition towards a bio-based economy and new biobased business cases
Następny artykułIV Małopolski Kongres Srebrnej Gospodarki