Biznes i nauka razem.

Innowacje dla zdrowia i jakości życia.

Wprowadzenie - problem:Pandemia koronawirusa pokazała, że kraje nie są przygotowane na kryzysy epidemiczne. Jest oczywistym, że państwo nie może być gotowe w 100% na każde zagrożenie, choć bez wątpienia powinno być w stanie przewidzieć różne sytuacje, które mogą zagrozić stabilnemu funkcjonowaniu kraju i ustalić w tym zakresie jasne priorytety...
Introduction - the problem:Currently, one of the most important challenges faced by medicine and biological sciences is the fight against the SARS-Cov-2 virus, which causes the acute infectious disease of the respiratory system COVID-19. As there is no known effective antiviral drug, the greatest hopes are placed on the...
Introduction - the problem:The coronavirus pandemic and a global lockdown influenced companies all over the world. Supply chains are broken, there are gaps in the stores. Companies are looking for savings and optimiziation of processes. Hospitals have a huge problem with a personal protective equipment and medical equipment. We...
Introduction - the problem:The COVID-19 crisis has seriously impacted the European economy. However, despite its severe consequences, the crisis can be turned into an opportunity to accelerate the European transformational leadership and turn into a green, digital, and resilient Europe. The European Commission plans to allocate important recovery funds directly...