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Zapraszamy do udziału w konferencji podsumowującej 3DP Pan EU -  projektu dedykowanemu wsparciu projektów demonstracyjnych w obszarze druku 3D, a szczególnie firm i organizacji w UE, które borykają się z problemami związanymi z łańcuchem dostaw w wyniku kryzysu Covid-19. Konferencja zamykająca projekt 3DP Pan EU odbędzie się 10 listopada 2021...
Subject: Decoding epigenetics - towards a truly personalized medicine Introduction - the problem:Epigenetics is the study of stable, heritable changes in gene function that do not change the DNA sequence itself. This is achieved by additional modifications that are added to the DNA. So-called epigenetic modifications play an important role as personalizedmarkers...
Introduction - the problem:We are at the dawn of a new era: the omic era. Genomics – the analysis of the inherited gene set of each individual is already an advanced technology broadly applied in population-wide studies and entered public life. The next level of ‘omic’ technologies is advancing,...
Introduction - the problem:Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare and agressive skin cancer with a 5-year overall survival of 40%. Patients are first treated with platinum-based chemotherapies but there is no benefit on survival. Immune checkpoint inhibitors were a revolution in MCC treatment however, on long term, 75%...