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Temat: Czy biopolimery mogą być bardziej zielone? Wprowadzenie - problem:Rosnące zainteresowanie nowymi materiałami i kurczące się zasoby paliw kopalnych powodują, że materiały pochodzenia naturalnego przyciągają coraz więcej atencji zarówno naukowców jak i przemysłu. Dzięki swoim właściwościom, takim jak biodegradowalność i biokompatybilność, całkowicie naturalne, produkowane bezpośrednio przez bakterie polihydroksyalkanianiany (PHA) mogą...
Introduction – the problem:Whereas ScanBalt is already well known for its high emphasis on cross-sectoral and transnational projects for Innovation in Health and in Life Sciences, the growing field of bioeconomy has yet an enormous potential to grow. Regarding the huge efforts recently made by nearly all Baltic Sea...
There is a great prospect in assessing the Bioeconomy potential within the Life Science industry. Not only to comply with the UN sustainable development goals 2030, but also, through a holistic approach within the industry, to explore the possibility for transforming “waste” into a profitable business for the company....
Introduction – the problem:Clean energy transition toward renewable energy resources is one of the key aspect in achieving Sustainable Development Goals. Huge amount of by products that are created within fossil-fuels processing is an emerging environmental issue but also a niche to develop novel, mesoporous materials out of such...