Idea: Synergy of bioengineers and physicians theoretical and practical work needs start to organization the ORGANOME project – description the Semi-Artificial Human (SemiAO Human) comprehension of man as organism model contains natural and artificial organs working together.
Objectives: The number of application artificial will growing up. There are not solved the problem of cooperation several artificial organs and artificial (biologically or synthetically performed) materials in one body and long term consequences usage the artificial organs only partially substitutive all natural organs function. After success of Human Genome Project and next Human Proteome and Physiome Project is it time for start new ORGANOME Project. Artificial Organs are now commonplace lives of million registered people. The equipment and materials are not perfect substitutes for natural organs. This raises the problem how the body as a whole can work for long time if you replace several parts? The Gen>Proteome>Physiome model is not enough.
Objectives: The number of application artificial will growing up. There are not solved the problem of cooperation several artificial organs and artificial (biologically or synthetically performed) materials in one body and long term consequences usage the artificial organs only partially substitutive all natural organs function. After success of Human Genome Project and next Human Proteome and Physiome Project is it time for start new ORGANOME Project. Artificial Organs are now commonplace lives of million registered people. The equipment and materials are not perfect substitutes for natural organs. This raises the problem how the body as a whole can work for long time if you replace several parts? The Gen>Proteome>Physiome model is not enough.
I want to create an international, multidusciplinary project using medical data analysis (BigData), physical modeling methods and computer simulations (Research & Simulation) to obtain a functional, predicting possible scenarios for a selected patient (personalized medicine) human model containing artificial devices replacing or supporting (bio-artificial synergy) organs.

About initiator:
Zbigniew Nawrat is is an author of pioneer researches in artificial organ (especially heart valve prostheses and blood pumps) & medical robots domain. Polish ventricular assist device POLVAD was first clinically applied in 1993. He is a father of cardiac surgery robot Robin Heart – which is a first Polish and European telemanipulator for heart surgery (first model Robin Heart PVA waiting for clinical implementation). He is also a pioneer of application the computer simulation to surgical planning process. Zbigniew Nawrat works in Medical University of Silesia, where he taught many years (new in Poland) lecture „Artificial Organs”, “Robotics in Healthcare” etc.. He is director of Institute of Heart Prostheses in Foundation of Cardiac Surgery Development. He is president of International Society of Medical Robots and journal Medical Robots Reports editor.
ORGANOME project – person interested in cooperation please contact: nawrat@frk.pl