A call for the recognition of Industrial Clusters in the European Recovery Initiatives
Introduction - the problem:The COVID-19 crisis has seriously impacted the European economy. However, despite its severe consequences, the crisis can be turned into an...
Czy „zdrowa żywność” to to samo co „żywność ekologiczna”?
Introduction – the problem:The organic food market is one of the fastest-growing sectors of the food industry. Even during a pandemic, it retained more...
We provide a new and more effective way of neurological rehabilitation
Rationale:We provide a new and more effective way of neurological rehabilitation. Skull-brain injuries, strokes and diseases demand hard-to-reach rehabilitation. Our unique solution guarantees the...
Building non-specific immunity in the fight against SARS-CoV-2
Introduction - the problem:Currently, one of the most important challenges faced by medicine and biological sciences is the fight against the SARS-Cov-2 virus, which...