Lifestyle Medicine in Digital Health
Introduction - the problem:Current medicine too often loses the fight against civilization diseases. Type 2 diabetes, arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, cancer, and depression...
Safety at work possible during Covid 19 – UV-C lamps as a method of...
Introduction - the problem:Covid 19 changed our life and world, but we have to work work to survive, we have to use the medical...
Molekularne podstawy stymulacji odporności roślin na choroby grzybowe
Wprowadzenie - problem:Rośliny są cennym źródłem składników bioaktywnych o szerokich i różnorodnych właściwościach. Ekstrakty roślinne to bogactwo polifenoli, flawonoidów oraz witamin. Rośliny posiadają system...
The region’s innovative potential – BioMałopolska
Introduction – the problem:1 region, 7 specialisations. Małopolska has focused on smart development and is imple-menting it in a consistent way. As a result,...