Enhancing buttermilk with probiotics- a potentially new functional food?
Introduction – the problem:In recent years, the subject of “functional food” has become very popular among consumers. It can be expected that especially in...
Digital patient solution, medical devices, sensors and patient reported outcome tools in clinical trials.
Introduction - the problem:There are a number of pressing issues impacting the development of new pharmaceutical products. Many of these issues are exacerbated by...
Tools for Life Sciences – made in Bavaria
Introduction - the problem:Without the constant development and provision of novel tools and instruments that are needed for doing experimental life science research, the...
Wpływ ekstraktów z sałaty biofortyfikowanej jodosalicylanami na indukcję procesu apoptozy w ludzkiej linii komórek...
Wprowadzenie - problem:Aleksandra Such, Olga Sularz, Sylwester Smoleń, Teresa Leszczyńska i Aneta Koronowicz
Zaburzenia związane z niedoborem jodu stanowią globalny problem zdrowotny. Jod odgrywa kluczową...