When a startup and a big company cooperate – building win-win partnerships in genomic medicine

grupy ds. Innowacji Społecznych

Genomic medicine is an emerging approach for disease treatment and prevention that uses genome-based information about an individual as a part of their clinical care. Corporate-startup partnerships in this field foster innovation and progress in healthcare.

At Intelliseq, our mission is to make genomic medicine practical by delivering simple and straight forward data analysis. We are a dynamically growing biomedical company specializing in the fields of genomics and bioinformatics. Intelliseq cooperates with larger companies to develop state-of-art software solutions for genome analysis and interpretation. We introduced a DTC genetic test to the US market as a result of cooperation with the US-based consumer genetics data-delivery platform. Last year, we implemented the pipeline for whole-genome data in cooperation with one of the leading companies in laboratory information systems for molecular diagnostics. As part of the MIT Enterprise Forum, we conducted a project focused on pharmacogenetics with a pharmaceutical company.

The presentation will address different case studies of cooperation with big companies in the genomic medicine field. Topics that will be raised include how to form a corporate-startup partnership and what are the benefits as well as challenges that one should be aware of.

Klaudia Szklarczyk-Smolana

Psycholog, doktor nauk medycznych, entuzjastka popularyzacji nauki oraz przedsiębiorczości akademickiej. Współtworzy Intelliseq, innowacyjne przedsiębiorstwo, które dostarcza bioinformatyczne rozwiązania do interpretacji genomu. W firmie zajmuje się promocją oraz rozwojem produktów na rynek genetyki konsumenckiej.

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